Taking a Leave of Absence From Work
Go to Treatment and Keep Your Job
Go to Treatment and Keep Your Job
Making the decision to seek professional help for a substance abuse disorder is rarely easy. There are a lot of factors to consider. Can you get fired for going to rehab? How long are you going to spend in treatment? Are you going to go through medical detox before you go to rehab? How are you going to cover the cost of treatment? Are you going to take a leave of absence from your job? You might be wondering how detailed you have to be when it comes to speaking with your employer. In fact, many people avoid seeking professional help simply because they’re concerned they will be fired for going to rehab. There are several laws in place which protect you from getting fired while you seek treatment. At The Plymouth House we understand what a trying time early recovery can be, and we are available to walk you through every step of the process. Contact us today to learn more about the ways in which you are protected, or to get started with our simple and straightforward admissions process.
FMLA & ADA Protection
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) legally provides employees with 12 weeks of unpaid leave every calendar year, assuming they meet a specific set of criteria. Because drug addiction is considered a diagnosable medical condition, FMLA protects an individual’s job security while they seek drug rehab and other behavioral healthcare services. FMLA applies to all public companies with more than 50 employees in a 75 mile radius.
An employee is eligible for FMLA benefits if:
- They have been working for their current employer for at least 12 full months (one year).
- They have worked for a minimum of 1,250 hours over the past 12 months.
- Their company has more than 50 employees.
If you do make the decision to take an FMLA-protected leave of absence it is important for you to request leave before admitting yourself to drug rehab. At The Plymouth House we are able to walk you through this process, providing guidance and answering any additional questions you may have.
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The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal law protecting employees who struggle with a disability of any kind, physical or psychological. If you require professional addiction treatment and you take an extended leave of absence, you cannot be terminated under ADA. However, it is important to note an employer who is actively using drugs can still be terminated. Many employers require their employees to sign a contract upon being hired which says they will not engage in illegal drug use. If your boss finds out you have been using illegal drugs they can make the decision to fire you based on this contract being broken.

Talking to Your Employer
Before admitting yourself to drug rehab it is a good idea to decide whether or not you’re going to speak to your employer. If you decide to take an FMLA leave your confidentiality is protected. You don’t need to explain to anyone why you’re taking time off, though it is a good idea to thoroughly understand what “taking an FMLA leave” means before taking action. However, if you have worked for your employer for years, if you have a close and trusting relationship with them and if your work performance hasn’t suffered severely as a direct result of your drug use, being honest might pay off more than expected. While addiction is still misunderstood by some, the majority of people have at least one family member or close friend who has struggled with addiction in the past. You don’t need to request a meeting and pour your heart out, delving into the nitty-gritty details of active addiction. But consider prefacing your leave of absence with a statement like, “I’ve been struggling with some personal issues and I appreciate you letting me take some time to deal with them. I want to be the very best employee I can be.” It is also a good idea to prepare for your absence by making sure your coworkers are in the loop and all your personal work-related responsibilities are covered.
Our Drug & Alcohol Treatment Services Include
The Plymouth House & Life Skills Training
When people struggle with active addiction they often find it difficult to hold down a job for a significant amount of time. They might repeatedly get fired for showing up intoxicated or simply not showing up at all. They might settle for a job wiping down tables at a chain restaurant despite their college education and immense untapped potential. At The Plymouth House we offer vocational services as part of our Life Skills Training program. We teach our clients to pinpoint a career path that speaks to them, and we instruct them on resume building, interview techniques and etiquette, conflict resolution in the workplace and how to hold down a job. We also teach our clients how to choose a career path that supports their sobriety. Many times a guest comes to us with years of bartending or serving experience, expecting to return to the service industry once drug rehab concludes. However, working in an environment where alcohol and recreational drugs are as accessible as stale french fries isn’t the best idea. We are dedicated to helping our guests pursue a career that makes it easy to stay sober and build self-esteem.
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Don’t let Drug & Alcohol addiction control your life.
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Educational Assistance
In some instances a guest will realize that returning to school is a better option than returning to work a low-level position. Many of our clients dropped out of school when they began abusing chemical substances. We help clients re-enter into the schooling system if they so choose, and either apply to college or obtain their GED. Once you make the decision to get clean and sober a wide range of doors will simultaneously fly open. While active in your addiction you probably felt stuck in a rut; no matter how badly you wanted a career or a higher education your options remained limited. Your intentions were always good but your follow-through simply wasn’t there. At The Plymouth House we have seen countless guests graduate from our program and go on to accomplish incredible things. Once you have the tools you need to maintain sobriety, you will be amazed by how much you can achieve.
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Don’t Suffer Any Longer
Begin Your Personal Journey of Recovery Today
If you or someone you love is currently employed and is in need of a drug rehab program, there are numerous resources available. Don’t let a fear of unemployment or scrutiny from employers or coworkers prevent you from living the healthy and fulfilling life you deserve. Remember this — the longer you put off seeking treatment the more severe the symptoms of addiction will become. Your performance at work will continue to decline. Seeking treatment now is a great way to ensure a productive future. The moment you make the decision to contact us, either over the phone or directly through our website, we begin developing a plan of action for your admission. We walk you through the laws in place to protect you, including FMLA and ADA. We offer a brief pre-assessment to ensure our program of recovery is the best fit for you and we help you work through all viable coverage options. Finally, we arrange reliable transportation to our New Hampshire treatment facility. Contact us today to learn more or to begin your own personal journey of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing.
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Reviewed for accuracy by:
Russell Beebe MLADC, LCMHC
Russell is a Master Level Alcohol and Drug Counselor (MLADC) and Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LCMHC) with over 11 years experience treating individuals with substance use and co-occurring disorders. Russell was inspired to get into the field after his experience as a resident at The Plymouth House in 2008.