What We Treat
Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol Addiction
Are you looking for alcohol addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one?
At Plymouth House we understand just how devastating alcohol addiction can be. Alcohol addiction affects 14.5 million Americans over the age of 12, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. This number includes 5.5 million women and 9 million men. Additionally, 25.8 percent of men and women over the age of 18 engage in binge drinking and heavy alcohol use on a regular basis. But… There is hope! Plymouth House has helped hundreds of alcoholics recover from alcohol addiction. The Plymouth House program utilizes a powerful combination of intense 12-Step work, behavioral therapy and holistic methods in order to help men and women overcome alcohol addiction and go on to lead purposeful, joyful lives.
Alcohol Abuse & Addiction
Alcohol addiction is a devastating disease, one that has the potential to completely destroy the lives of the men and women who suffer from it, and the lives of their loved ones.

There are several risk factors that contribute to the development of alcohol abuse and dependence, including:
- Genetic predisposition (having an immediate family member or several immediate family members that struggle with alcoholism or another substance abuse disorder)
- Unresolved trauma (often trauma that occurred during childhood)
- Environmental factors like extremely high stress levels
- An underlying, untreated mental illness like anxiety or depression
People who begin drinking heavily at an early age are more likely to develop an alcohol use disorder over time. Once an alcohol use disorder develops it is important to seek professional help, seeing as alcoholism is a chronic brain disease that can be effectively treated but never entirely cured. If you believe that you or someone close to you has been suffering from an alcohol use disorder, there are several symptoms to keep an eye out for.
We Are Here For You
Let Us Help You Heal
Our Alcohol recovery services are second to none.
Learn how we can help by speaking with one of our Treatment Advisors today.
Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction
The symptoms associated with alcohol abuse and addiction include:
- Drinking more alcohol than intended over a longer period of time than intended
- Attempting to cut back on the amount of alcohol being consumed but being unable to cut back or quit
- Spending a significant amount of time drinking alcohol and recovering from its effects
- Experiencing intense cravings for alcohol
- Failing to take care of personal responsibilities and fulfill personal obligations because of excessive alcohol consumption
- Experiencing a great deal of personal consequences (legal, financial and interpersonal in nature) as a direct result of alcohol use
- Failing to participate in activities that were previously enjoyed
- Increased social isolation/spending more time away from loved ones
- Failing to pay attention to personal hygiene
- An increase in risk-taking activities, like driving while intoxicated or engaging in promiscuous sex while drunk
- Developing a physical tolerance over time, meaning that a greater amount of alcohol is required in order for the desired level of intoxication to be achieved
- Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when alcohol use is stopped suddenly
The good news is that no matter how severe an alcohol use disorder has become, recovery is always possible. At The Plymouth House we utilize a range of evidence-based treatment options in order to deliver the most comprehensive and individualized clinical care available. Our recovery program is firmly rooted in the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, though we do offer each and every one of our guests a wide variety of treatment options to ensure that no stone is left unturned.
Our Alcohol Treatment Services Include
Treatment Options for Alcohol Addiction
When it comes to effectively treating alcohol addiction, it is important to note that recovery is never a one-size-fits-all experience. It is also important to note that an integrated program of recovery is always the best option, seeing as there is not one stand-alone solution for alcoholism recovery.

In most cases, a combination of 12 Step involvement, intensive therapy, holistic methods and mental health services proves to be the most beneficial. There is no known cure for alcoholism, but it can be treated with a long-term program of recovery in place.
Common treatment options for overcoming alcohol addiction can include:
- Psychotherapy – Therapy is a fundamental part of every alcohol addiction recovery program. Because alcoholism is a disease of the mind as well as the physical body, it is imperative that everyone who has struggled with substance abuse of any kind has access to individual therapy. At the Plymouth House we offer individual therapy sessions at least once a week, group therapy sessions that take place daily (while a guest is in our residential inpatient level of clinical care), and family therapy sessions as part of our family-oriented program.
- The 12-Step Program of Alcoholics Anonymous – There are few tools as effective as the Twelve Steps when it comes to helping people stay sober long after treatment concludes. At the Plymouth House our entire program of alcohol addiction recovery revolves around this time-worn method, and we pair each of our guests up with a Twelve Step Contact who will walk them through the program. Each of these men and women has extensive experience in and knowledge of the program, and has taken countless others through the steps. Daily AA meetings are mandatory.
- Pharmaceutical Intervention – In some cases, certain medications are beneficial to the alcohol addiction recovery process. For example, because alcohol is a depressant and it can do serious damage to serotonin levels over time, an antidepressant might be prescribed until symptoms of post-acute withdrawal resolve. There are also medications that help with alcohol cravings (such as Naltrexone); and medications that are a deterrent to drinking because they produce a negative reaction with alcohol (such as Antabuse, generic Disulfiram).
Ready To Begin Your Alcohol Treatment?
We Offer A Safe & Effective Program
Don’t let Alcohol addiction control your life.
Call us today and let’s get you started on the path to a better you.
- Holistic Treatment Options – The holistic treatment options that we employ are all evidence-based and highly effective. Holistic treatment options are essential to fully integrated care, meaning care that tackles physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. As part of our treatment program we offer regular yoga therapy and guided mindfulness meditation. We teach our guests the importance of mind-body connection when it comes to comprehensive healing.
- Residential Inpatient Treatment – The level of care that best meets the needs of a person depends heavily on how severe the alcohol abuse disorder has become. However, it is generally recommended that a person who has been struggling with alcohol addiction enters into an inpatient program for at least two weeks. Because alcohol is so prevalent and alcohol consumption is such a social norm, it can be difficult for people who are new to sobriety to remain abstinent unless they are in a controlled environment.
- Personalized Aftercare Programs –Â Inpatient treatment is only the very first stage on the lifelong road of alcohol addiction recovery. In order for a person to stay sober long-term, he or she must have a personalized aftercare plan in place. In most cases this plan includes a continuation of 12-Step program involvement (attendance at one AA meeting every day and continuing to work with a sponsor/sponsor others), a continuation of individual therapy and involvement in alumni services. Aftercare plans always vary on a person-to-person basis, though they usually include the above-listed staples.
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Don’t Suffer Any Longer
How The Plymouth House Can Help
At The Plymouth House we offer effective treatment for alcohol addiction, helping our guests work through underlying issues while learning the healthy coping mechanisms they need to maintain long-term sobriety. Our program of alcohol addiction recovery is unique in the sense that it focuses on the 12-Step method in a highly intensive and focused setting, while simultaneously delivering intensive therapy and holistic modalities. Because the New Hampshire landscape is so lush and diverse, guests have access to a wide range of healthy, healing recreational activities. And our active and large alumni network helps ensure individuals stay connected long past their stay at our campus.
As part of Guardian Recovery Network, The Plymouth House now accepts health insurance to help you cover the costs of treatment. If you or someone you love needs recovery, contact us. We are here 24/7 to lend an empathetic ear, answer all your questions and help you craft a plan. There is hope! Please reach out.
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(888) 693-1927