Holistic Recovery
Recreational Therapy
Recreational Therapy
At The Plymouth House we provide our guests with an effective combination of intensive therapeutic techniques, holistic approaches to healing and 12-Step program involvement. Therapeutic care is the foundation of our recovery program, seeing as adequate treatment options take physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing into account. Our New Hampshire treatment center is staffed with experienced, licensed therapists who have extensive experience in the fields of substance abuse and mental health. Because the location of our treatment center is so idyllic and because recreational therapy has been heavily researched in the context of addiction treatment, we commonly employ this therapeutic method during every stage of our treatment program.
At The Plymouth House we focus on teaching our guests how to have fun in recovery by exposing them to a range of healthy, sobriety-friendly activities. However, recreational therapy is about more than having fun and honing social skills. Guests are given the opportunity to delve deeper into their personal challenges and work towards cognitive, emotional, physical and leisure development in a safe and supportive setting. To learn more about the recreational therapy portion of our integrated treatment program, contact us today.
About Recreational Therapy
According to the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation, this effective therapeutic method involves more than the treatment of a pre-existing illness or condition. Recreational therapy helps people who have been struggling with substance abuse issues and underlying disorders (like mental illness, unresolved trauma or PTSD) discover what activities they enjoy while building self-esteem, self-confidence and vital social skills. There are many different ways to implement recreational therapy. Intervention modalities include yoga, outdoor activities like hiking and basketball, creative arts like drawing, painting, dancing and singing and communal games.
The Five Domains of Recreational Therapy:
- Mental and cognitive functioning
- Psychological and emotional functioning
- Physical functioning
- Social functioning
- Spiritual development
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Recreational Opportunities at The Plymouth House
The Plymouth House is a 7-acre campus on a 60-acre property in the foothills of the White Mountains. It is an idyllic place to seek recovery and healing.
Examples of Recreational Activities at The Plymouth House:
- Group hikes through the scenic mountain ranges.
- Group sports like basketball on our on-campus courts, horseshoe games, volleyball and softball.
- Outdoor walking trails that can be taken advantage of at any time.
- Creative arts like painting, drawing, collage, music and dance.
- Fitness gym that is accessible to all guests.
- Adventure excursions which might include a day trip to a local ropes course, a kayaking trip or any number of other activities. (in our extended care program only)
Our Drug & Alcohol Treatment Services Include
Benefits of Recreational Therapy
Recreational therapy often proves to be a vital part of each individual treatment program for numerous reasons.
The Benefits of Recreational Therapy:
- Providing effective addiction treatment through cost-effective means, taking advantage of the natural landscape surrounding our New Hampshire treatment facility which is nestled in the heart of the White Mountains.
- Providing each individual guest with outcome-focused clinical care geared towards achieving lasting results in a short time period.
- Contributing to life skills training and teaching guests how to implement the skills they learn in recreational therapy in other real life situations (both in their homes, in their social groups and in their communities).
- Helping guests work through underlying issues in a non-traditional therapeutic setting.
- Teaching guests healthy communication skills and facilitating healthy friendships and emotional bonds that often last long past the conclusion of treatment.
- Implementing a whole-person approach to recovery while focusing on the improvement of individualized cognitive, emotional, social and physical functioning.
- A focus on the restoration of physical health through a variety of physical activities.
- Teaching guests how to rely on one another and on an entire recovery community for support and personal advancement.
- Focusing on the development of a variety of skills which can improve overall quality of life when implemented once treatment concludes.
- Contributing to the diversity of therapeutic interventions that ultimately make addiction treatment effective.
Ready To Begin Your Drug & Alcohol Treatment?
We Offer A Safe & Effective Program
Don’t let Drug & Alcohol addiction control your life.
Call us today and let’s get you started on the path to a better you.
Additional Therapies we Employ
In addition to recreational therapy The Plymouth House offers:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – CBT is a proven therapeutic method that helps individuals re-write the stories they tell themselves that contribute to negative emotions, unhealthy behavioral patterns and skewed perceptions. It helps individuals slow down their emotional reactivity and think more rationally. It teaches individuals to manage their lives and emotions.

- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy – DBT is another effective therapeutic method, one we frequently utilize in combination with CBT. It has been found that a combination of these two methods is effective in paving the road for lifelong recovery. DBT is a combination of behavioral and cognitive therapeutic methods. The goal of DBT is to completely transform negative patterns of thinking and self-destructive behavioral patterns into positive ones. In these sessions, our clients are able to process through uncomfortable emotions in a controlled environment.
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing – EMDR is a therapeutic method that is extremely beneficial for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder and substance abuse disorders. EMDR was first developed to help alleviate emotional distress related to unresolved traumatic memories. During EMDR, clients address traumatic memories while focusing on external stimuli such as flashing lights or vibrating handholds. The individual shifts their visual focus from left to right, left to right, following the pattern of the external stimuli. A licensed and highly experienced EMDR practitioner guides the client through a memory as they practice these lateral eye movements. The exercise stimulates the connection between the hemispheres of the brain which process factual and emotional memory.
- 12-Step Mentoring – The Plymouth House is a 12-Step retreat focused on giving addicts, alcoholics and their families an entirely new lease on life. Our staff consists of experienced 12-Step practitioners with diverse educational backgrounds and life experiences, as well as licensed therapists, and holistic specialists. While we are not affiliated with AA we believe in the ability of the 12 Steps to help transform lives. The Plymouth House was founded as an intense 12-Step retreat where men and women who were struggling with substance dependency could go to get deeply immersed in the Steps. We have since expanded to incorporate a range of proven clinical therapies as well.
Begin Healing Now!
Have A Call With One Of Our Treatment Advisors
Don’t Suffer Any Longer
Begin Your Personal Recovery Journey
When you or your loved one is ready for help, The Plymouth House is here. Our admissions process is simple and straightforward and can be completed in as little as 15 minutes. During our initial phone call we provide a complimentary assessment, a free, no obligation insurance benefit check and help coordinate local travel to our facility. If need be, our Treatment Advisors will schedule transport from one of our drivers. We are able to provide ground transportation within a few hours. For our out-of-state guests we can help you book a flight and coordinate travel to our facility. Sober escort services are also available.
Once at our facility clients are welcomed by our intake and medical team. All clients are given a full medical evaluation and are able to discuss and review their treatment plan. They are then given a tour of the facility and can unpack and settle into their room. Guests are introduced to their fellows, staff members and resident therapists. They then begin participating in a full schedule of groups and activities, including recreational therapy groups. We are committed to helping you or your loved ones get through the early recovery process as seamlessly as possible. The hardest part is taking the first step and asking for help. Once you have made initial contact we are committed to doing everything we can to get you or your loved one on a solid path to recovery. Contact us today to get started.
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(888) 693-1927