Addiction Treatment
Should I Travel to Go to Rehab?
Should I Travel to Go to Rehab?
Committing to a long-term recovery program can seem overwhelming in and of itself. The prospect of traveling to a different state — one far away from home, maybe even on the opposite end of the country — might seem like a piece of the puzzle you’d rather avoid altogether. Why would you travel out-of-state for rehab? Wouldn’t it be easier to stay where you are so you can easily return home once inpatient treatment concludes? The truth is, traveling out-of-state for rehab cab be a very good idea for several reasons. Entering into a program of recovery is all about allowing yourself a completely fresh start — a new lease on life. One of the main points of residential inpatient rehab is taking an extended break from all external, day-to-day stressors so you can focus solely on your recovery.
You might feel like you should stay close to home so you can continue handling your affairs. But when you put things into perspective, you see that in the grand scheme of things, taking a break from “reality” and focusing on physical, mental and emotional healing prepares you to reintegrate back into your life as a healthier, happier, more stable person. Taking a dedicated break allows you to heal on a comprehensive level, and once you have thoroughly recovered and developed a structured routine, you can safely move anywhere in the country you would like to.
In some cases, after people complete a long-term continuum of care, they realize they are better off somewhere new. They become self-sufficient and fully independent and begin a new life in a new place — a life of fulfilled sobriety. At The Plymouth House we have had a combination of guests from New Hampshire and from every other corner of the country. If you have been struggling with addiction and you are committed to beginning a new way of life, the most important thing is to find an effective program of recovery that meets all your unique needs. For more information, contact us today.
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Benefits of Traveling for Rehab
- Traveling for rehab allows you to gain a fresh perspective on life as a whole – While you are active in your addiction you are living in the same small, restrictive bubble day in and day out. You wake up, get drunk or high and carry out the same menial tasks you always carry out. Maybe you don’t do anything at all. Moving to a new place will remind you how big and exciting the world can be. Not only will you experience a change of scenery, but you will have access to a whole new world of opportunities.
- Traveling for rehab is great for anonymity – If you try to get sober in your hometown, you might constantly worry about running into people you know and having them ask you questions you aren’t ready to answer. While struggling with addiction is certainly nothing to be ashamed of, you don’t necessarily want everyone in your hometown to know what you are going through. Maybe you have a high-powered career and you are concerned about your professional reputation. Or maybe you are concerned for your kids. Whatever the case may be, being someplace where you can maintain your anonymity might help you focus on getting well.
- Traveling for rehab can position you in a strong recovery community – Traveling to a rehab in another state — like New Hampshire — allows you the opportunity to get involved in an active and flourishing recovery community full of individuals who have been exactly where you are now. This allows you to form lasting and meaningful friendships and develop a circle of sober support who will be there for you no matter what. The recovery community in New Hampshire is rich in resources, services and camaraderie.
- When you move to a different state for rehab your loved ones have a harder time enabling you – Of course, you might not see this as beneficial at first. But what happens if you want to quit rehab when it gets hard? If you are out-of-state, you won’t readily have someone to bail you out. You might have a much better shot at riding out the difficult moments and staying sober long-term. You don’t need to be physically distanced from your loved ones forever, but taking a break also allows your loved ones to do some important healing of their own as well.
Traveling for rehab can provide you with a higher quality of clinical care – There are licensed, accredited and highly reputable rehabs spread across the country, but not all of them offer the same quality of care that can be found at The Plymouth House. We have been one of the most highly regarded treatment centers on the East Coast for more than 15 years and our comprehensive program of recovery is consistently effective regardless of what each individual client has been personally struggling with.

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The Difference Between Traveling for Rehab & “A Geographic”
You might have heard someone talk about “pulling a geographic.” This saying is common in 12-Step groups, and it essentially means moving to a new state in order to run from your problems. Of course you can’t run away from your problems: “No matter where you go, there you are.” The difference between a geographic and moving for treatment is the difference between running away from something, and running toward something. A geographic is when you attempt to run away. Traveling for rehab is a conscious choice to run toward your recovery.
It is important to check in with yourself and make sure you’re moving for the right reasons. When moving for treatment you are making a move that’s in your best interest and actively seeking help from a quality treatment program. In the other scenario you are running away from your problems and assuming a change of scenery is going to be a cure-all. Switching locations alone isn’t going to solve all of your problems. Committing to a long-term continuum of clinical care is not going to instantaneously solve all of your problems either; but when active addiction is no longer on the table your problems are going to be much easier to work through.
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How to Find an Out-of-State Rehab Program
If you decide to attend an out-of-state rehab program you need to consider how to find the best program for you and your unique needs. When looking for a rehab there are several important things to keep in mind. Ask yourself the following questions:
- Is the rehab center run by a team of experienced and licensed professionals?
- Does the rehab offer demographic-specific treatment options?
- Does the rehab center combine intensive behavioral therapy with recovery programming and other holistic treatment options?
- If you have regional or national health insurance, does the facility work with your insurance provider? And if not, do they offer options like self-pay and private pay?
- Is the rehab located in a recovery rich community?
- Does the rehab offer a list of alumni that you can speak to about their personal experiences going through treatment?
- Does the rehab offer continued support after your graduate the treatment program?
The Plymouth House can answer yes to all of the above questions.
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Don’t Suffer Any Longer
At The Plymouth House we offer an effective addiction recovery program firmly rooted in the 12-Steps of recovery and evidence-based therapies. Our homestyle retreat facility is nestled in the White Mountains of New Hampshire and allows guests the opportunity to participate in a range of recreational activities in nature. We take a whole-person approach to recovery, working to help you heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Contact us today to learn more about our program of recovery.
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Reviewed for accuracy by:
Russell Beebe MLADC, LCMHC
Russell is a Master Level Alcohol and Drug Counselor (MLADC) and Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LCMHC) with over 11 years experience treating individuals with substance use and co-occurring disorders. Russell was inspired to get into the field after his experience as a resident at The Plymouth House in 2008.