Frequently Asked Questions
What Happens When Treatment Ends?
What Happens When Treatment Ends?
If you have recently completed an addiction treatment program or if you are considering committing to a treatment program soon, you might be wondering what happens once treatment ends. Do you simply return home and carry on with your day-to-day life? Do you move into a sober living house or find another new living situation to keep you accountable? At The Plymouth House we know what a vulnerable time early sobriety can be, which is why we offer personalized aftercare planning services as part of our addiction treatment program. Each individual client works directly with a case manager in developing an aftercare plan that meets all of their unique needs. What happens after treatment depends heavily on your personal plan of action. We have outlined several examples of what standard aftercare plans look like, though your personal plan will vary slightly based on several important factors. To learn more about aftercare planning or to learn more about The Plymouth House and the addiction treatment services we offer, contact us today.
Planning for Discharge
The discharge planning process is a comprehensive process which begins the day a client enters treatment. Each individual discharge plan is developed over the course of treatment by the guest, their team of providers and their family. Discharge plans are facilitated by our Aftercare Coordinators. At The Plymouth House we have Aftercare Coordinators at both the facility level and the national level. While developing a personalized plan for discharge and aftercare, we take into account the specific treatment needs of each individual guest, along with the most ethically responsible and clinically appropriate recommendation for longer term care. We constantly look for the best outcome while identifying and considering any barriers or exceptions.
The Factors We Consider When Developing an Individualized Aftercare Plan Include:
- The level of care the guest is currently in.
- The severity of the substance use disorder.
- The presence of any underlying mental health concerns.
- Personal history with previous stints in treatment and subsequent relapse.
- Family involvement in the addiction treatment process.
- Financial ability/health insurance coverage.
- Plans to enter into a lower level of treatment like intensive outpatient or outpatient.
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Sober Living
Many of our guests transition from residential inpatient treatment or partial hospitalization directly into a sober living home. At The Plymouth House, guests typically reside in our on-site housing while they are engaged in both levels of care we provide. A sober living home provides additional structure and support to those who are early in sobriety as they navigate their day-to-day lives. Early sobriety is an especially vulnerable time. People have more personal freedom than they did in residential treatment or PHP and they are faced with a new set of challenges and potential relapse triggers. In sober living, people who are new to recovery live with other sober people and have access to the advice and guidance of support staff members 24/7. Sober living provides increased accountability, seeing as residents are required to attend recovery meetings and participate in daily house chores. If substance use is suspected they will be subjected to a drug test and placed back into a higher level of care if they have experienced a relapse.
At The Plymouth House we do not have any sober living homes of our own for guests to move into once residential inpatient treatment and PHP conclude, but we are always available to help you find a safe and supportive living environment in New Hampshire. We work closely with many reputable sober homes in the area, which clients can easily transition into once they have completed our multi-staged program. Contact us today to learn more about sober living options near you.
Our Drug & Alcohol Treatment Services Include
12-Step Programs
At The Plymouth House we incorporate the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous into every stage of our addiction treatment program. We strongly believe in the benefits of continuing with a 12-Step program once treatment concludes. Instead of working with an outside sponsor while engaged in treatment, guests are paired with what we call a “12 Step Mentor.” This person has years of sobriety, has gone through the steps themselves and has guided countless others through the steps. Many of our Mentors are alumni of The Plymouth House program themselves and are proud to pass on the legacy. Ideally, guests work through Steps One through Eight while at The Plymouth House, and continue with their program once they complete treatment. We encourage our alumni to serve as 12 Step Mentors themselves once they have completed the Steps.
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Alternative Support Groups
There are other 12-Step programs our guests sometimes benefit from joining. For example, a guest with an addicted family member might choose to participate in Al-Anon. A guest with a personal history of behavioral addictions like compulsive gambling or disordered eating might opt to participate in Gamblers Anonymous or Overeaters Anonymous. While we do not personally specialize in behavioral addictions, there are many support groups available to those with co-occurring addictive disorders. We are happy to point you in the direction of any peer support group we feel will be beneficial to your unique case.
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Alumni Program
At The Plymouth House we have a very solid and active alumni program, which we always recommend as a component of aftercare. Past guests stay connected and regularly meet up for sobriety-friendly events and activities. There are many benefits to staying engaged in our recovery community, including increased accountability and the maintenance of a solid and reliable support system. As an alumni you have the opportunity to help newcomers who are exactly where you were at one point in time. You are able to share your experience, strength and hope and make a genuine difference in the lives of others by becoming a 12 Step Mentor and guiding others through the Steps.

Begin Your Journey of Healing Today
The Plymouth House provides an individualized and integrated rehab program to people of all ages who have been struggling with addiction. We offer a step-down curriculum of clinical care, designed to help our clients make a smooth and seamless transition from treatment back into independent living. We understand how difficult it might seem to choose the best drug and alcohol rehab for your unique personal needs. Fortunately, we are available to help make the decision easier. The moment you contact us, either directly through our website or over the phone, you are put in touch with one of our experienced and compassionate Treatment Advisors. They ask a short series of questions, ultimately helping you determine which level of care is the most appropriate for your unique case. If we believe our program is a good fit we conduct a free, no obligation insurance benefit check and facilitate local travel to our New Hampshire treatment center. Contact us today to begin.
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